Wednesday, December 08, 2004

What a week. My Dad was put in the hospital on the third with another attack. He has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He is doing much better now (Got out of the hospital on Sunday evening) and is in much better spirits now that he knows what is wrong with him and has the medicine to deal with the problem.

Christmas is coming. I am *almost* done shopping...Almost is a big word for me though. I have always been known to spend too much at Christmas time. At 6:00pm on Christmas Eve, if I still have $5 in my pocket, I will be in line at the local Wal-mart buying just one more (or two or three...or more) presents. Lots of kids to buy for so this holiday season should be lots of fun for me :o)

Speaking of the kids, things are going good. Although this can be a bad thing at times, I am the type of Mommy who doesn't stand by and let my kids be treated unfairly. (Ask my oldest son's 2nd grade teacher...She still leaves a store if she sees me come in)...I'm quite dramatic, for sure, but if I don't stand up for us, who will? Growing up in the south taught me two things: You take care of family and you are never a push over. I follow these rules to a T. I've always admired the early 1900's and thought that if I lived in that era I'd be the daughter riding side-saddle behind my Daddy watching his back. No fears. My Mommy now jokes about how I carried a ponytail holder in my pocket ready to battle anyone who bullied my siblings (I am the oldest of five.)

Some things never change.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

I got some really bad news today. At 2:00am this morning actually. My Mom called to tell me she had just got home from the ER with my Dad. He was nearly in a diabetic coma (we didn't even know he was diabetic) and was having heart trouble. He is at the doctor as I type getting insulin. Please pray for my Dad as well as for my entire family.